Roland S 760

J’ai récemment fait l’acquisition d’un S 760.

I recently purchased a S 760.

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2 réponses à Roland S 760

  1. prosper donge dit :

    Hey Fabrice,

    i found your blog while searching for the roland S-760! wonderful blog, and wonderful music! since i love the S-760 a lot, i wrote an article in my blog about it. i would like to invite you to exchange some tips and tricks of this sampler. by the way, you have a very impressive studio!!
    greetings to wonderful paris,
    prosper donge

    • admin dit :

      Thank you very much Prosper.
      I accept your invitation. But I’m afraid I don’t know many tricks about the S 760 because I use it only for only 3 weeks 🙂
      The only thing I can say, that it’s sounds really great!

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